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David Touger, Men’s Club President: On Legacy

The past few weeks we have been reading from the Book of Exodus and while we all know the stories that arise from this book, I have been looking at it from a different angle and thinking more about legacy.  For our people have certainly gifted us with an amazing legacy that is outlined in these chapters.  The stories have left a lasting impression on the world all these thousands of years later.  Whether it is the ten commandments which still resonate even today, the formation of a judiciary system in the book of Yitro that is still copied today and many more.  What a legacy our forefathers and mothers have left us. As a people the legacy of our forebearers cannot be questioned.

We must also look at legacy on a smaller scale, as a community and our individual legacies.   Is our CBI community living up to the standard that the prior generations of our community set?  The answer in my humble opinion is yes.  We are a strong vibrant community offering a diverse range of programming wherein each one of our members can hopefully find their own individual path to a Jewish life.  Our programming ranges from daily and shabbat services enlivened with our own brand of music, learning and liturgy to weekly Mahjong games and basketball to everything in between.   There are speakers presented on a variety of topics, Israel consciousness and much more.  And, if any of you have any program ideas that you want to see done just speak to our clergy and lay leaders and I am sure they will help you see it through.  We are also not just standing on the shoulders of the generations before us that have kept this building and community going, we are currently in the midst of a 100th Anniversary campaign that if successful (and so far it has been) will allow future generations to stand on our shoulders.  That is legacy at its best.

On a personal level we must all ask ourselves are we living up to the legacy of our own forefathers and mothers and passing that legacy onto our children.  I know the legacy of my parents and grandparents is a very hard one to live up to and I am trying very hard to do so but it is hard in the moment to know if you are succeeding.  Only time will answer that question.

This year the theme of Men’s Club Shabbat (March 28th and 29th) is legacy.  We will try to honor our people’s, community’s and personal legacy throughout Shabbat.  In honor of this theme, I ask each of you to think about these different forms of legacy and if you wish to send them to me ( so that they can be presented throughout our programming that shabbat.  I look forward to seeing you all at the Friday night dinner followed by services and again Shabbat morning followed by lunch.

May we all stand proud of our people, community and family and the legacy they have left and the legacy we will continue to build.


David Touger

Men’s Club President