Blog and Videos

The CBI Blog

We like to talk! The CBI Blog is a continuing series of reflections, updates and teachings from our clergy, educators and staff.
17 Nov: Who Are Your Heroes?

By Rabbi Steven Bayar Rabbi Bayar is “blogging” for Rabbis Without Borders-My Jewish Learning.  We will share his observations here on the CBI…


Our YouTube Channel hosts our LiveStream Shabbat morning services as well as a library of additional features.

Holy Happy Hour

July 19, 2024

High Holiday Greetings for 5781

CBI Congregation

Havdalah at Home

Rabbi Ari Isenberg and Cantor Lorna Wallach

Bringing Your Sanctuary Home

Rabbi Ari Isenberg

Selichot at Home

Rabbi Ari Isenberg

Better Together Intergenerational Program

CBI Teens and Seniors