CBI is fortunate to have a talented and dedicated group of individuals serving the congregation as clergy, senior staff, educators and lay leaders. Our clergy and staff bring unique strengths to our community, and each stands ready to respond to your questions and help make your CBI experience a positive one.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our congregation, reflected in the commitment of lay leaders to serve as members of Board of Trustees, working hand-in-hand with our professional staff to uphold the values, ideals and mission of our kehilla (sacred community).
Leadership Team
Rabbi Ari Isenberg
In 2020, Rabbi Ari Isenberg became Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Israel. He is dedicated to pastoral work, community leadership, and creating meaningful, sacred moments in the lives of his congregants. Fostering a love of Israel is also one of Rabbi Isenberg’s long-standing priorities.
Prior to his move to Greater MetroWest NJ, Rabbi Isenberg served Temple Israel Center in Westchester, NY for five years. There, he collaborated in the development of the Hesed Circle, a network of caring and support; created Dor l’Dor, an intergenerational program in which older members interacted with preschoolers; and was known for his Torah on Tap series, a popular evening of learning at a local bar. In addition, he championed innovative models of worship to expand the options for prayer and customized ritual for lifecycle events.
From 2005-2014, Rabbi Isenberg was spiritual leader, cantor, and Senior Rabbi of Shaar Shalom Congregation in Halifax, Canada. There, he served as Associate Chaplain of Dalhousie University and Queen Elizabeth II Health Centre, and sat on the Executive Committee of the Canadian Rabbinic Caucus.
Rabbi Isenberg was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary in Manhattan. While studying at JTS, he achieved a Master’s in Sacred Music, was named Tanenbaum Fellow of Beth Tzedec (Toronto), Leffell Fellow of AIPAC, and Rabbinic Intern-in-Residence of Masorti France and the Jerusalem Open House.
Together with his wife, Gila, and their children, the Isenberg family loves hosting Shabbat dinners, traveling, cooking, and rooting for the Montreal Canadiens hockey team.

Email: rabbi@cbi-nj.org
Phone: 973-379-3811 x114
Schedule a meeting with Rabbi Isenberg: www.calendly.com/cbirabbi
Cantor Lorna Wallach
Lorna Wallach, a native of Brooklyn, New York and a graduate of the Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music, received her Diploma of Hazzan in 1991, from the Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary, in the fifth class to allow women to be invested as Hazzanim.
Cantor Wallach became the Cantor of Congregation B’nai Israel in 1998, after having served for nine years as the Cantor of Tifereth Israel Town and Village Synagogue in Manhattan. She received recognition in Glamour Magazine (July, 1992) as the first woman to serve as the Cantor of a Conservative synagogue in New York City. Cantor Wallach’s early experiences singing professionally in the Children’s Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera for eleven seasons and spending fifteen summers at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires, including heading the music program there for five years, greatly influenced her decision to enter the Cantorate.
Cantor Wallach has performed locally, nationally and in Israel as a soloist with the New York Zamir Chorale and the SELAH vocal ensemble.
She and her husband Michael Kalet are the proud parents of Shira and Joshua.

Email: cbicantor@cbi-nj.org
Phone: 973-379-3811 x119
Rebecca M. Gallanter, Executive Director
Rebecca M. Gallanter, MSW, LSW was appointed Executive Director in June, 2023. Previously, Rebecca was employed as Executive Director at Opportunity Project, Inc. here in Millburn. Rebecca was also Assistant Executive Director at the JCC of Staten Island, supervising many areas of operation within the JCC, including Board development, security, program management and staff development. Rebecca’s experience includes several positions with the JCC Metro West in West Orange and five other JCCs, Brain Injury Alliance of NJ, Inc, and East Brunswick Public Schools. Her areas of expertise and passion include the Jewish communal field, assisting those with disabilities, involvement with youth, adult, and senior populations, and summer camps.
A native New Yorker, Rebecca has resided in New Jersey for 30 years. She is proficient in Spanish and has knowledge of several other languages. Her skills and interests include: Information Technology, fundraising, writing, crafts, and fitness. She and her husband Steven are proud parents of Carly and Ben, as well as their rescue dog, Piper. They are also avid Mets, Giants, and Nets fans.

Email: executivedirector@cbi-nj.org
Phone: 973-379-3811 x 118
Rabbi Steven Bayar, Emeritus
Rabbi Bayar served as Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Israel for 30 years, from 1989 until his retirement in 2019. Rabbi Steven Bayar holds a B.A. in Religious Studies and an M.A. in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Biblical Studies from the University of Virginia. He was ordained by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and has served pulpits in Greenbelt, Maryland and Spring Valley, New York before coming to B’nai Israel Congregation in Millburn.
He is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly and Rabbis Without Borders, and has trained as a hospice chaplain, a Wise Aging facilitator, and a trainer for safe and respectful Jewish work spaces. He’s the co-author of “Teens & Trust: Building Bridges in Jewish Education,” “Rachel & Misha,” and “You Shall Teach Them Diligently to Your Children: Transmitting Jewish Values from Generation to Generation.” He teaches at the Golda Och Academy in West Orange, NJ, and is currently serving as Interim Rabbi at Congregation Agudas Achim in San Antonio, TX.

Lay Leaders
Our Board of Trustees are a dedicated group of lay leaders who support our congregation in countless ways.
Executive Committee
Henry Bloom, President
Ruth Kirshner Novick, 1st Vice President
Paula Touger, 2nd Vice President
James Beneroff, 3rd Vice President
Adam Forster, Treasurer
Adam Katzman, Financial Secretary
Sharon Richman, Secretary
Organizational Representatives to BOT
Melissa Wernick, BBRS Religious School Board
Amy Radin, CBI Preschool Board
Susan Gordon, Religious Affairs Committee
Susan Stern, Sisterhood
David Touger, Men’s Club
Designated Past Presidents
Robert Marcus (through 2024)
Steven Brown (through 2025)
Jamey Potechin (Immediate Past President)
Trustees through 2024
Lisa Biller
Andy Cohen
David Gutstein
Stacy Thompson
David Troll
Trustees through 2025
Angela Cohen*
Alia Covel
Lisa Friedman
Debra Nevas*
Brett Popolow
Jody Reich
*second term
With Deep Appreciation to our Past Presidents
Barry Allen
Seymour Beneroff
Steve Brown
Mariella Dybner
Molly Eichler
Naomi Eisenberger
Jonathan Engel
David Good
Sheldon Greenholtz
Nan Greenwald
Andrea Hirshfeld
Erik Lindauer
Robert Marcus
Linda Sotnick
David Touger