Remarks delivered by CBI President Mariela Markelis Dybner on Rosh Hashanah 2020/5781 As we prepare to usher in a…
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DCL’s Drash from Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald, Director of Congregational Learning The month of Elul begins this Wednesday evening. As Cantor…
Aug. 11, 2020 (Tuesday during Pandemic) I’d like to believe that I’m in good company with others who also…
A message from Rabbi Isenberg: Tuesday, August 4th, 2020 After crossing the Sea of Reeds to safety, it takes the…
A Message from Mariela Markelis Dybner, CBI President Friday, July 17 Dear Congregants, It has certainly been a long…
July 14, 2020 My Dearest CBI Millburn Community, It is hard to believe that my tenure as your rabbi…
July 7, 2020 These Three Weeks … A Message from Cantor Lorna Wallach Following the death of a close…
A look back from Rochelle Baron, Director of the CBI Preschool: Dear B’nai Israel Family: My involvement with the…
DCL’s Drash from Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald, Director of Congregational Learning But let justice well up like water, Righteousness like…
An Important Message from Rabbi Paul Resnick and Cantor Lorna Wallach: A LETTER OF CONSOLATION WORDS OF EMPATHY EXPRESSION OF…