The Caring Community of Congregation B’nai Israel recognizes our responsibility to care for one another as we fulfill the mitzvot of G’milut Hasasdim — acts of loving kindness. These acts build and nourish a network of relationships which can sustain us throughout the journey of our lives.
What We Do
- We visit people in hospitals, nursing homes, or in their homes.
- We will make phone calls to people we are unable to visit.
- We shop, prepare and deliver meals.
- We provide transportation to doctor appointments, services and synagogue events.
- We comfort the bereaved.
We are not professional healthcare aids or medical professionals and as such cannot provide care in a professional manner, but we do want to offer our friendship and compassion when it is most needed.

How Can You Help
Caring for one another is our obligation as Jews. In a sense, we are all members of CBI’s Caring Community. As such, each member is encouraged to extend – and receive – a helping hand in times of bereavement, illness, loneliness, and debility.
We can only help people if we know about their needs. Most of our information comes from the rabbi or cantor or directly from individuals in need, but members of the congregation can also alert us to situations in which people might need help. To maintain the trust of the congregation, we operate on a strictly confidential, privacy-respecting basis. We welcome ideas, suggestions, and offers of help. Please contact Laurie Kavowras, Caring Community Coordinator.
If You Need Help
If you or a CBI member you know is in need of assistance or information, please call the CBI office (973 379-3811) and ask to speak to one of the clergy. Your call and any subsequent services will be strictly confidential and your privacy will be respected.