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Fund Options

Blanche Bayar Religious School Fund

Donations to this fund are used to support the CBI’s award-winning religious school.


Cantor’s Music Fund

This fund is used by Cantor to support the wide variety of musical programming within the Synagogue.


CBI Preschool Fund

Donations to this fund are used to support CBI’s outstanding preschool.


Dr. Max Gruenewald Adult Education Fund

The Gruenewald Fund was established by the Board of Trustees to honor Dr. Max Gruenewald, CBI’s Rabbi from 1946-1970. Donations support adult learning at the Synagogue, including classes and guest speakers.


Library Fund

Donations to this fund are used to support the maintenance of the Rabbi Max Gruenewald Library and acquisition of new books and materials.


Max Alper Prayer Book Fund

This fund provides for upkeep and replacement of the various prayer books used by the congregation on a daily, weekly and holiday basis. Dedication inserts are pasted inside the front cover of each book. The minimum donation to the fund is $54 for a prayer book and $75 for a Chumash.


Phyllis Magid Adult Forum Fund

Donations to this fund are used to support activities of CBI’s Adult Forum, which provides programming for congregants over the age of 60.


Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

This fund allows congregants to honor our clergy and provide for anonymous charitable giving and receiving, the penultimate form of tzedakah, according to Maimonides. Distributions made by the Rabbi from this fund are typically confidential and are made in the sole discretion of the Rabbi.


Synagogue Fund

The fund is used to supplement the operating income of the congregation, which is primarily comprised of membership dues. Gifts are allocated wherever there is the most need.


Youth Programming Funds

Several funds have been created to support Conservative Jewish programs for the youth of Congregation B’nai Israel.

  • Burk-Mendlovitz Youth Fund – Supports general activities and professional staff of CBI’s three primary youth groups: USY, Kadima and Chaverim.
  • HannahBlum Cogan USY-Kadima Fund – Supports youth programming at CBI, including USY, Kadima and Chaverim, such as conventions and trips.
  • GrayRamah Scholarship Fund– Supports scholarships of children of CBI members to attend or work at Camp Ramah.