Cantor Lorna Wallach: Grateful for the CBI Family

In Henry Bloom’s most recent email announcements article, he invited each of us to think about and share our own personal “CBI Moments,” reflecting what makes our community unique and irreplaceable. After 26 years in this wonderful community (and God willing many more years to come!), I certainly have countless memories and examples that I could share, but as I write this now, I’m focusing on what is personally most relevant today! 

CBI is a uniquely CARING and SUPPORTIVE community! Nothing is more joyful than celebrations with the CBI community! But I have also witnessed, over and over again, when I personally and when members of CBI have needed help and comfort and to be uplifted, how our amazing community responds – with incredible kindness, sensitivity, generosity and full hearts! Some of you have heard by now that I am recovering from a bout of pneumonia which actually had me hospitalized for 3 days. In addition to the other challenging symptoms, I’ve had terrible laryngitis for 2 weeks which although is slowly improving, I still need to be careful to protect my instrument for the future!

 As the news spread of my illness, here is what I was fortunate and blessed to have experienced  – so many caring and concerned text messages and emails, asking what Mike and I needed and how people could help; a meal chain set up by our amazing “Caring Committee” and so many people contributing and wanting to bring soup and food – with an amount that Mike and I couldn’t possibly consume even in a month, let alone a week! People sent me photos and updates from the big community events on September 8th which I was so sad not to be able to participate in, letting me know that I was missed. Lay leaders and volunteers immediately stepped up to fill in for me where needed – reading Torah/Haftarah, leading services, being Gabbaim, helping with B’nai Mitzvah preparation. Additionally, we are all blessed to have such a dedicated, competent and supportive professional team/administrative staff who have also been right there to help cover responsibilities and give me the time and peace of mind that I need to heal. Being home bound for a few weeks also reminds me how wonderful and valuable it is that CBI continues to provide Zoom access to Shabbat services for those who need to/choose to participate in that way. I’m so grateful that it was available to me.

I am extremely grateful for all of this and to all of you. For those who hadn’t heard that I have been sick, I don’t want you to feel badly about not reaching out. After 26 years, I know very well – as you’ve shown me on so many occasions and in many different ways– that YOU CARE!! Thank you!

One final gesture that I want to highlight during this experience has been the power of the Mi Sheberach prayer for healing. Even though I’m a Cantor and I have certain skills as a prayer leader which I’ve studied and honed over the years, I find it to be so awesome, inspiring, uplifting, humbling and immensely meaningful that in Jewish tradition, anyone and everyone has the ability to pray for someone else’s healing.

Knowing that so many of you, both publicly and in your own private prayers have kept me in your thoughts for my Refu’ah Shleima, the complete healing of both my body and my soul, has truly lifted my spirits and hastened my recovery!

As we enter a New Year, may God bless the works of the hands and hearts of this community and shower CBI and its members with abundant  blessings including good health, strength, fulfillment, spiritual elevation, harmony and peace.


Mike, Shira and Josh join me in wishing you all a Shana Tovah U’Metukah. 

With much love and gratitude,

Cantor Lorna