Henry Bloom, CBI Board President – Share Your CBI Moments and Memories

Shalom Congregants,

What makes CBI unique, and therefore irreplaceable?

This is a question I’ve been pondering as we approach our 100th anniversary and look to the future. For my family and me, CBI has been a second home for 22 years, the place where I have pursued my Jewish journey with the support of clergy and the community, the place we have shared the joy and sorrow of everyday moments of life.

Nothing stands out more than the b’nai mitzvah of our three children, Lyla, Yael, and Shai. Watching them learn and grow as they prepared and kvelling over their accomplishments on their big day was all the more special because we shared it with our CBI friends who were also kvelling because our kids were their kids. Other joyful moments have included participating in Men’s Club Shabbat, leading a service for the first time, reading Torah or Haftarah, helping someone or being helped to learn a skill, or performing in Dan Richter’s hilarious skits with the Parsha Players. Equally meaningful have been moments of sorrow; as I grieved the deaths of my parents, the CBI community was there, to lift me up, and see me to better times.

We all have had or may anticipate our own “CBI moments” that make our community unique and irreplaceable. As part of our Centennial celebration, I invite you to share your “CBI moments” to help us create a repository of memories that convey the very special roles CBI has played in our lives. To participate, click here.  Stay tuned to see the replies of your CBI family! 



Henry Bloom


Congregation B’nai Israel