Mindy Klein, Director of Early Childhood Education: On Mindfulness

 As the Preschool Director, I love spending time in the classroom with the children and my staff, observing their interactions and watching the children’s responses to their new activities. How they listen intently to their teacher reading a story, smile when playing with a new toy, touch paint for the first time, hear a bird chirp outside, or laugh with new friends. The children are focusing on these moments, not looking back or ahead. There’s a lot of excitement for the newfound moments the children are having at the beginning of the year. We all should follow their lead and focus on special moments.

In our busy daily lives, it’s often easy to lose track of what’s going on around us. We are constantly running from one thing to another. Over-scheduling seems to be a common way of life. Days and years go by in a blink of an eye. It’s important not to let enjoyable moments pass you by and to try to appreciate  the simpler things in life. The moment you are in now counts, so make the most of it. Take advantage of existing possibilities and engage in activities that make you happy. Be present where you are, with what you are doing, and with the meaningful people who surround you. Now stop, take a breath, and grab your happy moment. I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.