Shabbat is a time with a special focus on community, prayer, and celebration. We invite you to join us and participate in our service. If you are not comfortable reciting the prayers in Hebrew, feel free to pray in English. Many of the prayers are transliterated in the Siddur (prayer book). If you wish to sing along but are unfamiliar with the words, we encourage you to hum along, clap, sway, and be moved by the experience. Worshipping together on Shabbat provides an opportunity to enjoy the company of family and friends, to celebrate personal milestones, and to connect with our community.
Currently, our Shabbat services feature Zoom and live-streaming, so that there are no geographic boundaries to the sanctity we are creating. No matter your zip code, you are invited into our sacred gathering.

Kabbalat Shabbat Service – Friday Evening
5:30 p.m. November through March
6:00 p.m. April through October
At this time, our Kabbalat Shabbat Service is streamed over Zoom to provide the greatest possible interaction.
Click here for PDF of Siddur Lev Shalem Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service.
Shabbat Service –
Saturday Morning
9:30 a.m. Year Round
At this time, we offer three ways to connect as a community on Shabbat morning.
Click here for PDF of Siddur Lev Shalem Shabbat Morning Service.

We welcome you to join us in-person in our Sanctuary.
Havdalah Service –
Saturday Evening
We encourage you to experience the site, sound, taste and smell of the close of Shabbat along with Rabbi Isenberg and Cantor Wallach in this VIDEO.

Shabbat Family & Children Services
CBI offers a variety of services for families that teach the songs and rhythm of Shabbat for children of all ages. Join us for meaningful experiences and memories that blend Jewish learning and living. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary for services; guests are always welcome at any services!
Bim Bam Tot Shabbat meets on select Friday evenings at 5:30 pm, usually followed by a congregational dinner and Kabbalat Shabbat.
Shabbat K’tanim meets on select Saturday mornings at 10:45 am, followed by kiddush lunch.
Check the current schedule here.
For more information, please contact Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald, Director of Congregational Learning, at or 973-262-3717.

Shabbat for those with Special Needs
Yaldeinu (Our Children) is the name of our congregation’s outreach to families with children or young adults with special needs. We have prepared liturgy and an experience designed to be participatory, joyous, and relaxed!
The service is approximately 45 minutes long and led by a special needs educator. We use a special prayer book and the attendees are encouraged to participate and lead as well as they can. During the Torah service, youth over the age of 13 have the experience of being called up for an aliyah. It is a warm, nurturing, supportive environment for the families. We have special Yaldeinu services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, too.
Yaldeinu meets once a month. CLICK HERE for the current schedule.

Shabbat Learning
The Shabbat Journeyers’ Minyan is an alternative Shabbat morning experience … an opportunity for congregants to get together to discuss and explore topics of interest, such as
- Characters in the Bible
- Weekly Torah Portion
- Holiday Traditions (Passover, Shavuot, Channukah, etc.)
- The Meanings of Prayers and Psalms
- Liturgical Songs and Music
- Contemporary Issues
- Israel
Participants are encouraged to suggest topics and prepare a brief presentation for discussion. This is the platform to explore anything that interests you. The presenter’s purpose is to then facilitate meaningful discussion amongst the group. You do not have to be a regular attendee to lead a session.
All are welcome. Many congregants enjoy the Journeyers’ Minyan, but are not inclined to lead a session. The Journeyers’ Minyan meets on various Shabbats (see our calendar to see when we meet), at 10:45 either in the Chapel or in another designated room in our new building.
Instead of Shabbat morning, this year our Journeyers’ Minyan meets once a month on Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. on Zoom.
Feel free to send us an email if you would like more information, would like to volunteer to lead a session or simply come join us as we journey together! If you would like to lead a session, or if you have any questions, contact Susan Gordon.

Shabbat Prayer for Healing
On Shabbat Morning it is tradition for the congregation to recite the Mi Sheberach prayer for those who are ill or recovering from illness or accidents. We pray for those in our family and community, for friends and relatives, in need of physical cure as well as spiritual healing, asking for blessing, compassion, restoration, and strength. A list of names of those that are ill is read quietly by the Rabbi or Cantor.
Committed to the value of bikkur holim (visiting those who are ill), our clergy is available to speak or meet with congregants and their families in times of illness. In addition, active volunteers on our Chesed Committee (Caring Committee) can assist with making arrangements for visits, rides, meals, or offer other practical help. Our goal is to build a web of loving kindness that reaches all members of our community.
Please contact the Clergy Office or 973-379-3811 x120 to add a name to the Mi Sheberach list or if you need assistance.